Principal + Founder
Dave has over 20 years of experience leading a wide range of planning, urban design and community engagement efforts of varying scale. Dave’s experience managing the public facing side of meaningful projects includes Racial Equity Assessments; Citywide General and Housing Plans; and Downtown, Strategic and Vision Plans throughout the Bay Area. Recent projects include a collaboration with the City of San Jose and Google over a four year timeframe, on the Diridon Station Area Community Engagement effort to shape and facilitate an inclusive and equitable outreach strategy, that led to the unanimous approval of a comprehensive community supported plan. Dave and Plan to Place continue to research and implement best practices related to communication, facilitation, and collaboration strategies, and have become a leader in the ever evolving virtual engagement landscape.
LinkedIn | Resume (pdf) | dave@plantoplace.com
Community Engagement + Urban Design Specialist
Rachael has 9 years of experience working as a researcher, designer, and project manager on complex urban design projects including masterplans for higher education and health campuses and civic design and transit guidelines. Her background in ecology inform her reverence for a holistic and participatory design process grounded in an ethics of resilience, equity, empathy, and agency.
Resume (pdf) | rachael@plantoplace.com
Outreach + Graphic Design Specialist
Quentin’s multidisciplinary work spans community-based research, visual arts, and place-based analysis and design to imagine and enact futures rooted in climate resilience and equity. A recent graduate from UC Berkeley’s Urban Studies program with emphasis on landscape architecture and socio-ecological sustainability, she is working to build connections between people and place, and believes wholly in a design process grounded in authentic and empowering participation at every step.